
Welcome Coach Ekaterina!

Coach Ekaterina officially started at CLC Academy as our lower school PE Coach! She is a fitness enthusiast, marathon master and all-around athlete who is wonderful with the young kids! She will be doing weekly PE classes for the Kinder class, the 1st grade class and the 2nd/3rd grade class and she is very interested […]

Pledge of Allegiance

In US schools, many students & teachers begin their day by standing up, facing the American flag & stating the Pledge of Allegiance. Our 1st – 8th graders began a social studies project using the incredible Pledge of Allegiance workbook. This workbook aims to clear the definitions of the words in the Pledge. It gives […]

Congratulations Ms. KK!

Another one of our amazing, hard-working staff, KK Bonsall, completed her full training program and is fully & standardly hatted as our Director of Testing & Correction. These study programs, under the direction of Suzanne, our Director of Qualifications, take months to complete, as they include theory, practical and an apprenticeship for those in a technical position.  […]