
CLC Academics

Academic Programs

Our students each have an individualized program to address the specific needs of the student.  For example, if a student is behind a grade level in reading, the program will include curriculum to address this.

Our curriculum is focused on building a strong foundation of math, reading and writing skills.  We believe that without these skills, a student is not prepared to confront and successfully handle more advanced subjects.

We also strive to give purpose to education and stress real-life application of skills.

Our subjects are proficiency-based.  Students master skills before moving on.  Students are not just passed along through the curriculum without understanding what they are studying.

We work to get results with each student on their individual programs and want to ensure that they are prepared for the future.


In addition to schooling, we offer the following services:

After-school Program

Drama Club

Hip Hop Dance Classes

Summer Camp

Please contact us at (727) 477-1421 for additional information about these services.

Our Teachers

CLCA Teachers

Our Classes

CLCA small class size

Our classes are small to maintain a low teacher-to-student ratio.  This allows the teaching staff to work with each student on his or her individual program based on their needs.